Clyde Property offers a unique service for landlords whereby we guarantee your rent on time, every time. During these challenging times, it’s one less thing to worry about.
According to recent figures, house prices in Scotland are up by nearly 11% in the year to March 2021. In Scotland, house prices rose by 10.6% over the year to March 2021, compared with a rise of 10.2 % in England, 11% in Wales and 6% in Northern Ireland. Figures released by the Office for […]
The Furlough Scheme is due to end in a few months in the UK and over the last year many property owners have taken advantage of the 6 month mortgage holiday. Current guidelines for landlords March 2021 update The Tenant Hardship Loan Fund and the Private Rent Sector Landlord (non-business) COVID-19 Loan Scheme, both of […]
We are experiencing a property mini boom here in Scotland as a result of the pandemic. Not only are residential properties in demand, but investors are also looking at buy to let properties to either start or expand their investment portfolio. If you are considering property as an investment it’s important that you understand the […]
As a country we are all affected by the current COVID-19 situation. As Scotland’s largest independent estate agent, Clyde Property would like to offer reassurance and provide details of our COVID-19 policy during this uncertain time. We have built a robust contingency plan to ensure all of our employees, clients, partners and associates still offer […]
Affordability, good schools, access to world-class nature, welcoming people and… whisky! We know exactly why Scotland is a great place to live, and it seems that those from further afield are cottoning on to this too, with an increasing amount of people investing in housing here, particularly when it comes to top-end markets. In fact, […]
In 2018 almost a quarter of first-time buyers turned to the bank of mum and dad in order to buy their first home. Research from the Resolution Foundation this year showed that 30-year-olds whose parents have no property are 60% less likely to own a property, indicating just how important parents are when it comes […]
Taking the time to furnish and style your rental property appropriately can set you on your way to a quick and easy let, with the right tenants on board, as well as helping to minimise expenditure on maintenance and repairs down the line too. Here are some points for landlords to consider when preparing a […]
You may be keen to get a foot on the property ladder sooner rather than later, but as with any big purchase, it’s vital to assess whether you can afford it. Since the financial crash, mortgage criteria has tightened up, however there are a few things to be aware of that can help manage your […]